Unit 1 Vocab to Remember

  • class header - consists of the class keyword and the name of the class
  • Main: method that is an entry point into any Java program
    • It specifies the syntax for the Java Virtual Machine (which runs the Java code)
  • public static void main (String[] args)
    • Public: meaning that JVM can identify it
    • Static: means that there is only one type of this method and it will be shared
    • Void: there is nothing returned from the main method
    • String[] args: the main method’s input parameter is an array of type String. The command line arguments are stored as Strings
  • Java methods are blocks of code that are only executed when the specific method is called
    • Methods can be useful when you need to reuse code and break code into smaller chunks
    • Methods return an object
  • The two types of methods are user-defined methods and standard library methods
    • User defined: methods we create to perform specific tasks
    • Standard library methods: methods included in Java libraries
  • When creating a new object, inheritance is the concept that allows you to have this new object build upon the attributes of an existing object. When an object inherits from another, the new object is known to have an “is-a” relationship with the parent object
  • superclass: the class that the new class inherits from is generally called the parent or super class

  • subclass: the class that inherits from the superclass

  • Argument: value passed to a method or constructor when the method or constructor is called
  • Object: an instance of a class
  • class: a programmer-defined blueprint from which objects are created
  • Parameter: a variable in the method signature that defines the type of value to receive when the method is called
  • class header - consists of the class keyword and the name of the class
  • method signature - consists of a name and parameter list
  • constructor signature - the first line of the constructor which includes the public keyword, the constructor name, and the values to specify when an object is created

PBL Vocabulary

Creativity - How you approach tasks and solve problems - Looking for both inside and outside of the box solutions - Conceptualize problems and solution - Make connections and education inferences - Brings together ideas and data Critical thinking - Solving complex or abstract problems - Discovery of deficiencies that could cause poor results - Thinking about where you might have given wrong or how you can improve the results Communication - Talking about how you are able to bring their teams together - Verbal skills: how do you address the audience/make them understand - Listening skills: learning and understanding - Writing skills: being able to write in a way that non-experts can understand - Technological communication skills: talking about technical skills in an appropriate manner for your audience Collaboration - Leaders - Being able to get people on your team on board with the mission/project - Big picture thinking taking into account other things to make your decision - Delegating/decision making - Time management - Conflict management, teaching and mentoring - Multitasking and initiating new ideas Collaboration - Teamwork - Trusting people to do their work and that others will produce good work - Accepting responsibility - Making and implementing decisions - Managing time - Meeting short and long term goals - Organizing - Meeting deadlines Researching - Analyzing information and brainstorming solutions - Delineating needs and getting information - Setting goals and problem-solving - Getting input from others and taking action Technical - Staying updated on the progress of the project - Learning the different tools - Being easy to work with and quick learning - Failing and being open minded