Bria’s CS Interest

I initally took my first CS class because my dad is a software engineer and considering how everything in our current society is heavily focused on technology, I thought that being in a computer science class would be beneficially to my future. Not only did I enjoy my first year in the class, but I soon realized that coding has something for everyone. Though I may not be the most technically skilled individual, being in computer science has taught me the value of problem solving, creativity, and being proactive which are skills I know I can apply into any career I enter in the future.

Interests in CS

I think this class has taught me that I am very interesting in data structures despite the fact that I am not the best at them. I love working at a problem until it works and figuring out a code problem is just a little bit more rewarding when you do it on your own. So problem solving and debugging are also skills that I am geniunely interested in from this class. I also am very interesting in the user interface and ux design aspect of computer science. We don’t really do a lot of it in this class, but it’s still something that I am super interested in learning and applying more in this class. Especially because user interface is the difference between someone continuing to view your website or someone immediately clicking off your website.

Psychology and the Good Life Video Reflections

  • You can control a lot more of your happiness than you think
  • Getting rid of the bad things doesn’t completely make you happy
  • Mind tricks you into being dissatisfied with your life
  • Make time for social connection
  • Helping others
    • Spending money, spending time around others rather than focusing on being selfish
  • Make time for gratitude
    • Think about the positives rather than the negatives
    • Make a list of things that you are grateful for
  • Make sure to exercise and get sleep to improve your mood
  • Take time to be in the present moment
  • Pay attention to the experience as you are having
  • Being rich with time

10 Things I’m Grateful For

  1. Being able to go to such an amazing school and having a lot of opportunities
  2. Being so heavily involved on campus and meeting and socializing with so many different people
  3. My friends and family always being there to support me and always being willing to give me space whenever I need it
  4. Having a good education and not having to struggle as much at getting good grades
  5. Being able bodied and being able to explore the world
  6. Having access to technology and being able ot set myself up to have a career in comp sci
  7. Being in yearbook and getting to figure out that I have a love for design
  8. Having my first off rolls this year and getting to experience having time for myself or time for other things during school
  9. Being in theater with my sister and having time to bond with her more while she’s still here for college
  10. Having a home that I live in and being the this neighborhood with such cool people

Takeaways and Goal Setting

I think that video helped me realize the importance of the smaller things in life. I think that a goal of mine is going to be to get more sleep and priortize giving myself more time for brain breaks. I think my senior year so far has been pretty hectic and packed with actitivies, so finding time to give myself a break is super important this year. Something else that I took from the video that I hope to apply to my daily life is being in the moment more and enjoying experiences while they are happening. I think being on social media and overthinking tends to make my mind wander more than it should while I am working. But I am going to practice more with being in the moment and not letting myself think about other things.