Home Test Prep Replit and Data Structures Create Task

Table of Contents

  1. Week 0
  2. Week 1
  3. Week 2
  4. Study Plan
  5. Finals-Quiz 1 Score and Corrections
  6. Finals-Quiz 2 Score and Corrections
  7. Finals-Quiz 3 Score and Corrections

Finals-Quiz5 20/25 and Corrections


Question Number Topic My Choice Correct Choice Explanation
Q11 Algorithms C D I got this question wrong because I wasn’t taking my time and thinking through the problem. I thought that if the quotient was equal to 1 then the returns and borrows would be equivalent. Though this is true, the answer choice I selected says that the quotient would be larger than 1. I can do better on these types of questions by making sure that I am debugging with each option
Q16 Algorithms B D I got this question wrong because the option returns true if the person is 18 which is not what we want. Option D is correct because choice it returns true for everyone less than 18 and true for everyone not below 16. I can do better on these types of questions by making sure that I am reading the inequalities careful and understanding the parameters of the conditionals.
Q23 Computer Network C B I got this question wrong because I did not recognize that there is not a connection between computers A and D. I can improve on these types of questions by making sure I am looking closely at the diagrams presented.
Q24 Algorithm C D Again this is another issue of me not testing the algorithm with debugging and going through each step of the process. Option C just returns true when only looking at val 1 which is not the same as the given algorithm.
Q25 Algorithm B D Once again another algorithm question that I could have gotten right if I would have debugged with more care.

Finals-Quiz3 44/50 and Corrections


Question Number Topic My Choice Correct Choice Explanation
Q2 Ability of computer to solve a problem C D The correct answer is D because there are some problems that would not be able to be solved algorithmically. Some options might take a long time to solve but there are some that just cannot be solved. This is called an undecidable problem which might be solveable by an algorithm but not in all instances of the problem. To learn more about this topic I should review Big Idea 3.
Q19 What can be determined by course grade D A I misread this question and thought it was asking what could be determined from the data in the table.
Q23 Social media hypotheses A D Option A is incorrect because the data table shows the average number of messages sent increased over the years. Option D is the stronger answer because the average amount of characters decreases dramatically. I can learn more about this topic by reviewing Big Idea 2.
Q30 Relationship between Internet and World Wide Web B D The Internet is a network of interconnected networks, but the World Wide Web is an information system that is accessed via the Internet. The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses protocols to connect devices worldwide. The World Wide Web is an information system (of pages, programs, and files) that is accessible over the Internet.
Q34 Algorithm that would most benefit from a heuristic C B This algorithm has linear efficiency, so it runs in a reasonable amount of time. Therefore, a heuristic is not appropriate.
Q41 Encrypting and decrypting using public key cryptography A D This option is incorrect. The sender’s public key cannot be used to decrypt the message.

Finals-Quiz2 44/50 and Corrections


Question Number Topic My Choice Correct Choice Explanation
Q8 Advantages of open source software D C The incorrect anser is D because open source software can be continually updated without the original developers. Open-source software does not guarantee that the original developer of open-source software will provide support for the user.
Q14 Average amount of data per user B A I misintepreted the data in the graph and miscalculated the amount data per user.
Q19 Behavior of mystery procedure with if statement D C Option D is incorrect I thought that this was a boolean procedure, so I thought that y would display false. This isn’t correct.
Q22 Benefit of IPv6 C B IPv6 allows for a greater number of IP addresses than IPv4 does so this means that more devices can be connected.
Q27 Benefits of incremental and iterative development C D Option C is inccorect becuase the use of low level abstractions is unrelated to the development process used. The correct option is D because it can help programmers identify new errors that are introduced.
Q42 Cloud computing and the Internet A + C B + C Option A is incorrect because redundant routing provides faullt tolerance which allows a cloud storage sit to continue to operate. The correct option is B because cloud computing fosters new ways to community and collaborate.

Finals-Quiz1 42/50 and Corrections


Question Number Topic My Choice Correct Choice Explanation
Q1 Ability to process large data sets A B The amount of time that the program takes to run depends on the size that of the data inputted. A larger set of data will take more time to process. The correct answer is B because the amount of lines of code that a program has will have little impact on the ability to run larger data sets. I misunderstood this topic and can learn more about it by reviewing the big idea videos.
Q13 Data B C I got this question wrong because I didn’t think about how animals with trackers would allow the user to see if they travel in groups or not. The correct answer is C because the geolocation data does not track the weather. I can review this topic by being more careful and recognizing which data is given and not given
Q23 User Privacy D A I got this question wrong because I assumed encryption would mean tha tthe data is more secure. I didn’t read the part of the question that mentioned that the key is public. The correct option is cookies because they can be used to see what websites the user visits and to track the user and collect their information.
Q24 Computing Systems B A I did not understand how packets were transmitted over the internet. I thought that they contain encrypterd version of the data to be transmitted but in reality each packet contains data to be transmitted. I can get better at this topic by reviewing Big Idea 4 and 5.
Q29 Errors in Algorithms A C I thought that the question was asking if the program works for all test cases. I tested more numbers in my head but I didn’t realize that the question was asking about the specific test case. The corrent answer is C is because one test case is not enough to know if the entire program works for everything.
Q30 Legal and Ethical Factors of Computer B A I did not know what digital certificates are and what they are used for. Digital certificates are used to verify the ownership of encryped keys used in secured communication.
Q36 Data C A I picked option C because the data does not store information about the age of the people wearing the shoes. The correct answer is A because the database stores information on the item id and the quantity available.
Q39 Parallel Computing D C I forgot that parallel computing only takes as much time shortest time period. I can review this topic by going over Big Idea 4 and 5.

Study Plan 📖

Steps for prepare for the exam

  • Ask questions during class to review what I got wrong
  • Review create task through cross over to get better at algorithms and add the gameover screen and timer to the code


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Create study plan to be prepared for the exam Finals-Quiz1 42/50 and corrections. Review the areas that I need to improve in and watch the Big Idea videos that correspond with the topics that I am missing Choose a topic to do a deep focus/review on based on what I missed most on Tues (Weds) Finals-Quiz2 score/50 and reflections Take test then brush up on the ones that you missed, do corrections for these. Then choose a second topic to do a deep focus/review on based on what you missed the most on Weds

Week 2: TPT 5.5-5.6 and TT2 🌼

  1. When you create a GitHub repository it requests a license type. Review the license types in relationship to this Tech Talk and make some notes in GitHub pages.
    • Creative Commons license allows everything to be in the open and shared. This makes it harder to patent if you are a business. This license gives the author the freedom to share their work with the understanding that it will be accesible and sharable to all people. This license is more open and allows works to be distributed and modified.
    • The MIT license allows using code freely and making and distributing closed source versions. The license is both business friendly and open source friendly.
    • Patents and open source battle each other because it is harder to get a patent with an open source license.
    • It has to be a balance because business without income will not survive and using creative commons and open source content is free
  2. Make a license for your personal and Team project. Document license you picked and why.
    • Our group decided on the Creative Commons license because we want our website to be accesible to other teams who want to create a similar website for their sports team. We also feel like it made the most sense because we aren’t monetizing anything on our website and we intend for the website to be more sharing based.

5.6 Safe Computing

  1. Describe PII you have seen on project in CompSci Principles.
    • Some PII that has been in CompSci Principles has been our emails and names. When we made the database we had to be in our emails and name and phone number. Some informatoin that might be linked is our birthday or family depending on the other information we put on our about me pages.
  2. What are your feelings about PII and your exposure?
    • I think that since everything is so digital now that it is going to be way harder to keep general personal information secure like your address or email. Though I do have social media, I don’t think I’m thaat over exposed because I don’t really post much and don’t use the location feature.
  3. Describe good and bad passwords? What is another step that is used to assist in authentication.
    • A good password has a mixture of numbers and characters that is hard for the average person or algorithm to guess. A bad password has easy to identify words or number combinations in it like “password” or “123” or “ABC”. Another step used to assist in authentication would be having a code sent to another device or email to ensure that you can log into your account.
  4. Try to describe Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption.
    • Symmetric encryption uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt data making it very easy to use. Asymmetric encryption uses a public key to encrypt data and a private key to decrypt information.
  5. Provide and example of encryption we used in deployment.
    • An example of encryption that is used in deployment is
  6. Describe a phishing scheme you have learned about the hard way. Describe some other phishing techniques.
    • One phising scheme that I’ve seen is that when you illegally watch movies on 123 movies, a lot of the ads tell you to click on a link to watch the movie. The is a scam because it will lead you to another page to potentially get hacked or gt your information stolen. Some other examples of phising techniques could be getting emails telling you to click a link. Or getting DMs telling you to click a link.

Week 1: TPT 5.3-5.4 and TT1 😧

5.3 Computing Bias

Come up with some thoughts on the video and be ready to discuss them as I call on you. Here are some ideas…

  1. Does the owner of the computer think this was intentional? If yes or no, justify you conclusion.

    • I do not think that the owner of this computer thoght that this was intentional. The tone of the video was very comical which leads me to believe that the computer owner was just shocked that something like this was happening on his computer. I think the computer owner was also confused as to the error that was happening on the computer, but it does not seem like he believed that HP was being malicious in nature.
  2. How do you think this happened?

    • I think this was caused by a lack of diverse testing. The HP team probably only tested this facial tracking feature on lighter skin individuals, so when the product as distributed, it had only been programmed for one type of person.
  3. Is this harmful? Was it intended to be harmful or exclude?

    • This is harmful because it excludes an entire group of people from using the program. If the computer is meant for everyone, then having this programmed biases prevents the computer from achieving its goal. I don’t think that it was intended to exclude people or cause harm to any group of people. I thiknk that the HP team just didn’t test the computer on a large enough group of diverse individuals.
  4. Should it be corrected?

    • This error should be correced because it is preventing the computer from being a universally used product.
  5. What would you or should you do to produce a better outcome?

    • To produce a better outcome, we should make sure that we are testing new computer features with a diverse group of people from different backgrounds.

5.4 Crowdsourcing

  1. CompSci has 150 principles students. Describe a crowdsource idea and how you might initiate it in our environment?

    • A crowdsourcing idea for CSP students could be that after each product, we should get to share our code to our crossover group from the past project. That way we get to understand the various ways there are to solve a computing problem. We would also get to check our answers with other people. This could be started by including it with our crossover reviews.
  2. What about Del Norte crowdsourcing? Could your final project be better with crowdsourcing?

    • An idea for crowdsourcing at Del Norte could get getting students to give their opinion at the end of each year about the classes that they’ve taken. Then there would be a website that could display all the information gotten from students. That way other students could get input from sutdents who have already taken the classes they want to take. I think our finally project could be better with crowdsourcing to get photos from parents that they have from the lacrosse games to add to our gallery.

Week 0: TPT 5.1-5.2 and TT0 🤙

5.1 Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Computing

  1. Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing

    • A possible beneficial effect of computing would be that it gives more people access to research information which is used a lot for research papers and other educational reasons. A possible harmful effect of computing would be that it can give people too much information and sometimes the information that people recieve is not accurate.
    • Another possible beneficial effect of computing would be that it allows people to connect to one another and not have to be in the same location to do so. A possible harmful effect of computing would be that using social media to connect can lead to some harmful things like cyberbullying or cancel culture.
    • Another possible beneficial effect of computing would be that you can store information in a digital format rather than having to use paper. Store information digitally also allows for people to be more organized and keep their files in an easily accessible place. A possible harmful effect of computing would be that store information online could cause a security issue for people and hackers could access their files.
  2. Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School?

    • I think that the dopamine issues that were described above are very real because of the amount of people that are addicted to their phones. I think that for me personally, being on my phone when I should be doing homework is something that hinders my sucess sometimes.

5.2 Digital Divide

  1. How does someone empower themself in a digital world?

    • Someone can empower themselves in a digital world by seeking out information for themselves and consulting a variety of sources. A person can also empower themselves by trying to get access to internet connection or having a location that they can use a computer at.
  2. How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS.

    • Someone that is empowered can help someone that is not empowered by teaching and educating them about tech. They can also empower others by sharing their resources with the people who are not empowered. Something I could do would be encouraging more people to take CS/any computer related class or to learn about tech to decrease the digital divide.
  3. Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere?

    • To a certain extend I think that red tape blocking might hinder empowerment to a certain degree as it might prevent people from getting the information they need to empower themselves. It could also be important for keeping the user safe as well. These barriers do exist at Del Norte in the form of blocked websites on the school’s wifi.