Final Score

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Question # Correct Answer Answer I Chose Why I got it wrong/Reflection
Q15: isSorted 1D int array implementations A E Option 3 was not correct because the loop only analyzes data[0] and data [1] not the rest of the elements in the list. The data will return after it checks only the first two values meaning that it will return true when it still might be in decreasing order.
Q18: Generate random index for ArrayList B A I didn’t notice that the -1 was outside of the parenthesis, which would result in data that does not fall in the length of the Arraylist. I also was unsure about size() method and I thought that is would be the same as the length() method.
Q19: Compound expression using 7 and variables a, b B D I am still a little bit confused on De Morgan’s Law and how the and switches to an or, but other than that the question was clear to me. I think I have to go back and review that part of Collegeboard curriculum.
Q23: manipulate method and animals List B D I was confused by the syntax in this question and what specifically the code means. I think I have to review Arraylists and the specific syntax and methods for them since they are kind of confusing for me.
Q33: Print sum after while loop E C The loop never terminates because k is not being added to or removed from.
Q39: recur method with int parameter D E The value of recur(9) is 18. However, this call was made within another recursive call and is not the final return value.
Q40 whatsItDo with String parameter and substrings C D When whatsItDo(“W”) is called, nothing is printed since the print occurs in the if statement which does not execute. All previous recursive method calls print a substring of str and not str.

Trimester Reflection

Night at the Museum Team Blog


Week # CB Topics
Week 1 01 Primitive Types
02 Using Objects
Week 2 03 Boolean Expressions and if Statements
04 Iteration
05 Writing Classes
Week 3 06 Array